Logan has been his usual funny self. He was sure funny during the election. Which is weird cause Mike and I aren't very political at all. My father in law Bob is very conservative and even offered to pay Mike $50 to vote for Mccain and Palin. When Grandma came over one day, she left to go vote early. Logan told her before she left, " I hope you vote for Barack Obama." He's a huge fan of Barack Obama. He doesn't really have a reason. He just likes him. He was playing with Maddie and he was under a blanket screaming. Mike told him to quiet down. He said, "But daddy, I'm big scary John Mccain."
On Halloween night we went to this thing for my church. They handed out glow sticks. When we got home he was holding one up and he was like, " I'm John Mccain. Thanks for listening, and I approve this message." He did the same thing for Obama.