"I wish it would rain money so you didn't have to go to work."
"Pretty awesomer than anything."
"I'm pretty much done talking about that now."
"Dop is a word, you know like adopt."
"This homework is not kicking my butt, I'm kicking it's butt."
"Maddie is the champion of crying."
Yes, you guessed it... these are from my wonderful son, Logan. Everyday he cracks me up with new things he says! I love it.
Now Maddie's starting to talk too! She says, "Love you too." With emphasis on the too. It's so cute.
She likes to yell, "B r a - d e e." (brother) all the time.
She's also very polite in always saying "Pease and Thank-you!"
When she's at brother's school in the morning, she likes to go down the slide, and at the bottom she says, "Weeee!"
And of course everytime I pull the camera out the kids know what to do. "Cheeeese!" with a huge cheesey grin on her adorable little face!
Kids says the funniest things and it's always so fun. I can't get enough of it!